Project Hangboard Training PRO helps you to train!
Important! If the app is not working - for 99% you just have to install Google Text-To-Speach engine from google play.
Project Hangboard Training PRO is an application that will help you to train on a hangboard. The app has implemented a training set only for Metolius Project but you can successfully use it to train on other hangboards. After all, when the app says: „hang for 7 seconds on hard 4-fingers holds”, it does not matter which hangboard you have. You know where 4-fingers hard pockets are.
Application gives voice commands (of course TextToSpeach data in your android settings should be installed) telling you which exercises you have to do, how long you should rest, how many series etc.
There is a simple editor implemented to edit custom trainings. In this way you can modify trainings freely. Insert your custom descriptions which will be read aloud just a few seconds before you exercise and additionally you can share them with friends inserting some custom messages ;). For example:
<Exercise Type="Hang" Description="Hi Steve. Try to beat me. I managed to do this." Name="Pull up and stay with bent arms">
Duration – duration of the exercise (without rest)
Series – series number
RestBetween – duration of the rest between series
Holds – which holds – first number is a „row” and the second is a „column”. In this case holds are jugs.
The author (me ;) ) was not hired to write this app. He just climbs and wanted to write an app which fullfills his needs in 100%. The application will be further developed. I will add new functionalities and I will try to make my best to make this app useful for everyone. Now thanks to everyone who will decide to use it :).