Rádio Comunidade comes from REDEAOVIVO, recognized as THE FIRST RADIO...
Rádio Comunidade comes from REDEAOVIVO, recognized as THE FIRST WEB RADIO IN BRAZIL, which has been working since 02/08/2007, delivering incredible results, both in audience and in training professionals for the market of program presentation, journalism or even Podcasts. Our SUCCESS comes from the unique identification with our audience who attend our events, who participate in polls, who send messages to our website and download our applications. That's why our team is passionate about being part of this community communication project that unites people from the community with renowned professionals in the field of Radio and TV. Above all, we are an impact business whose objective is to democratize communication as a means of socialization and a tool at the service of Citizenship. If you want to know more about us, visit our website: www.radiocomunidade.com.br and welcome.