Reiki Healer at Roorkee, India
Reiki is a Japanese word which means Universal Life Energy, an invisible subtle life force energy that permeates the universe. Illness happens when the mind, body and spirit become unbalanced. Reiki treatment enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself. I was initiated by Nemrod Kedem, Reiki Master/Teacher for the Usui Reiki method of natural healing during February 2015 and Kundalini Reiki during May 2015. The following Reiki treatments can be undertaken. * Healing (in-person) or Distant Healing * Cleansing a room/house of negative energies * Healing the Karmic band (improving relationships) * Situation/qualities healing * Crystalline Reiki (in-person only) - dissolving/healing crystals formed on the body due to any traumas (2 sessions) * DNA Reiki - healing DNA strands (negative inherited genetics and diseases) * Location Reiki - healing the influence of location on physical health * Past life Reiki - healing the blockages from earlier life (3 sessions) If interested for Reiki healing in-person at Roorkee (beyond office hours, weekends and holidays only) or distant healing.