«Правильный способ выучить разговорный английский»
Did we ever look for the causes why we can't speak English even after completing Bachelor and Master degrees from renowned universities or colleges? Is it much difficult to achieve the capability of speaking a foreign language like English? Don't we know what come as barriers while speaking? If we have a look we can easily find out four or five reasons behind our failure Firstly: we have fear as well as shyness. Fear means to us that English is very difficult language to learn. Shyness means what other people say or will say when we make mistakes or utter English without following exact grammar. No language is difficult to speak, if a three year old baby can speak a particular language hearing her mother and other people of its surroundings, why can't we speak? A baby doesn't follow any grammar while speaking but we understand it. Language is a communication, grammar isn't so important here. The most important thing is that we have to remove fear and shyness at first. We shouldn't mind anything at all if people laugh at us when we make mistakes. We have to learn through mistakes, critics always criticise, they don't do anything themselves. Secondly: we have oral inertia, it means lack of practice or inactivity. We can write three or four hours at a stretch but we can't speak even three or four minutes. To remove oral inertia we have to build up the habits of practice. If we don't get anyone to practice with, we have to practice our selves alone. Thirdly: we can't use proper words in proper places as quickly needed. Most often it seems that we know the words which are being uttered by others in front of us but we ourselves face problems while trying to speak almost the same words. Very often we don't find those words which we deeply feel to express. This is because, before answering we don't get enough time to think or to form sentences. We are to speak just after hearing others. To remove this problem, we should learn more usable English of colloquial uses. We should give up the tendency that it's not possible to learn spoken English with help of books written on spoken English. A good book on spoken English will help us to know the English of colloquial uses to a great extent. Fourthly: Lack of vocabulary. To express happiness, pain, emotion gratitude, disdain, feelings, liking and disliking in English, we need to enrich our vocabulary. Suppose, you are an civil engineer, you know the process well how to build a building but you don't have all building materials e.g. brick, sand, rod, cement etc. Could you build a building in true sense? Vocabulary for increasing speaking proficiency is similar to building materials for building a building. To enrich vocabulary we have to memorize words ourselves and have to practice in sentences. A good book on spoken English can play an important role here. The words which we memorize today, we may forget a few days later as human memory is very short. To keep intact memorized words in our memory we may keep note and revise frequently. Recently it is seen that many 'Spoken English' teaching centres are being established like mushrooms and they are offering courses on spoken English assurance within seven days, twelve days, one or two months comprising a batch with 30 to 40 students together. How is it possible to learn spoken English within so short time with so many students together? Don't become down heartened having taken awful experience from such institutions. Go ahead on planned way, success is inevitable. Fifthly: pronunciation problem. There are two types of English, one is American and another one is British. Pronunciation between American and British English is a little bit different. As from the very beginning of our learning English (in primary, secondary school level) we don't follow the correct pronunciation, it will take time to change our deep rooted wrong pronunciation, we needn't worry for this. First of all, we have to speak the language.