Drug-free and alcohol-free dating, vacations, social events, forums, and more!
Tired of drunks and druggies? At SobrietySingles.com, you will find people who have removed alcohol and illicit drugs from their lives and are PROUD of it! Clean and healthy vacations, sober forums that cover a wide range of topics tailored to your specific situation, listings of sober events locally and around the world, and a place to make each other stronger in sobriety makes this website a new home for those who want to date and associate with people who are not polluted and degraded by drugs and alcohol. Whether it is finding a sober basketball league in your area, finding a sober group to play cards, finding a sober date to go to the movies, finding a sober group to go to a football gamer - the possibilities are endless! If you don't find the sober activity you want, you can create the activity through the blog feature on the website and invite people to it. There are also listings of people who want to share sober living arrangements. Millions of people feel left out of the mainstream because the DON'T drink or do drugs. The HELL with that! We are SOBER PROUD - just too damn COOL for drugs and alcohol.