The Dot Game is a simply stupid addictive can't quit instant play time killer.
Sittin' on the pot, takin' a shot, or not feelin' so hot? Whip out 'The Dot Game'. Alone on your throne, with no skill to hone, already threw the dog a bone? Fire up 'The Dot Game'. Layin' in bed, nothing to do but scratch your head? go to sleep . . . or OPEN THE DOT GAME! It's no load time arcade fun has you frustrated and hating this game before most games even get off the load screen. Yeah, it's simple to play . . . but you only have 1 high score! Right? Bet you can only beat your high a dozen or two times before your stuck, like Chuck! Share your scores with others through Facebook to see how you compare! There can only be one 1st place! Better than boobs, beer, and Flappy Bird!