Cancer Care is published in collaboration with the association Nurses in Cancer Care
The magazine Cancervården is published in collaboration with the association Nurses in Cancer Care and is aimed at anyone who is in any way interested in oncology in Sweden. The magazine presents new research findings, new drugs and articles in cancer care, as well as reports from conferences, congresses and meetings, both international and Swedish. The intention is to create better opportunities for interaction and communication for everyone in oncology. The magazine reaches specialist nurses, students in specialist training in oncology and hematology as well as operational managers all over the country. The readers have their activities in inpatient care in oncology clinics, hospice and palliative units, medical, surgical and geriatric departments as well as in open care such as district health care, home health care and palliative home health care teams. The magazine has a circulation of just over 2,500 copies and comes out with four issues annually.