Today's Hijri date

Today's Hijri date

Sep 11, 2022
  • 5.0

    Android OS

About Today's Hijri date

Hijri date today - Islamic calendar

Today's Hijri date, the definition of the Hijri date and the important events in it.

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Application content:

Today's Hijri date: Today's Hijri date differs from the Gregorian in calculating the months; The date of the Hijri day is measured by the rotation of the moon around the Earth, unlike the Gregorian calendar, which depends on the Earth’s rotation around the sun, which leads to a variation of the days of the month between 29 and 30 days in the date of the Hijri day, while the Gregorian is a specific day. As a result of this difference, the Hijri year is 11 days shorter than the solar year, which makes Islamic rituals and events occur in different seasons and times.

Hijri date today: The Hijri date today may not be the same in all Islamic countries, for example, in the month of Ramadan, the Hijri date today may be the first of Ramadan in the country of Saudi Arabia, and the Hijri date today is the second of Ramadan in another Islamic country, Because the Hijri date today depends on the sighting of the moon and does not depend on fixed and specific days.

The date of the Hijri day: Although the date of the Hijri day begins with the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, the work on the date of the Hijri day began 17 years later.

Hijri and Gregorian dates: The Hijri and Gregorian dates differ from each other, as the Gregorian year is 365 days or 366 days, while the Hijri year is 354 days, a difference of about 11.12 days. Six hundred years, and we can use a simple arithmetic equation to convert from the Gregorian date to the Hijri date, or vice versa.

Hijri calendar: The Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar, meaning that it depends on the movement of the moon in determining the months and times. The Hijri calendar was officially used for dating in the era of Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.

The Hijri date: The Hijri date is one of the four dates on which the world adjusts its clock, as people date their details, diaries and events with four dates (Gregorian, Hijri, Chinese and Persian). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most famous countries that rely on the Hijri date as an official calendar in the country, unlike the Arab countries that use the Gregorian calendar as their official calendar.

Calculating the Hijri age: You can calculate the Hijri age in a simple and fast way because the process of calculating the Hijri age can be done whether the day of your birth is documented in Hijri or Gregorian thanks to information technology and accurate date conversion tools that are available to everyone. The process of calculating the age in Hijri with the day, month and year is an accurate process, but it is not very accurate. In some cases, your age may increase by a day or decrease by a day if the age is not correct, because the electronic calendar in the current Hijri month may not correspond to the vision that was adopted in your country, it may be a matching imam Exactly, plus one day only, or minus one day only.

The application also contains all the information related to the following matters:

hijri day

Hijri and Gregorian months

Convert today's Hijri date

What is the Hijri date?

Today's Hijri date in Saudi Arabia

Disclaimer :

This application was created to take advantage of the information that it contains from the public, and the images and data entered in the application were collected from public sources without violating any property rights of any of the authors and were shared because of its beauty and distinction.

If there are any rights you have on any of the pages, do not hesitate to write to us and we will be very happy to satisfy you and remove any content that we may have violated the terms of your ownership!

We hope that you have enjoyed the application of today's Hijri date.

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Videos and Screenshots

  • Today's Hijri date poster
  • Today's Hijri date screenshot 1
  • Today's Hijri date screenshot 2
  • Today's Hijri date screenshot 3
  • Today's Hijri date screenshot 4
  • Today's Hijri date screenshot 5
  • Today's Hijri date screenshot 6
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