關於Directive 22
指令22 - 跟踪你的22分鐘訓練營的訓練和容器
Directive 22 - track your 22 min boot camp workouts and portion containers. Get it! Track it! Live it!
✔ Mission 1 / Month 1 Schedule
✔ Mission 2 / Month 2 Schedule
✔ Hell Week / 7 day Schedule
★ Switch between cycles to move forward!
✔ Track reps and weight used in each default resistance exercise.
✔ Create custom 28 day or 7 day workouts with your own exercises!
✔ Build you own 28 day hard corp/military schedule!
✔ Add multiple workouts per day!
✔ Add a note to each workout!
✔ Edit container portions anytime
✔ Edit water quantity anytime
Food List
✔ Includes the up to date food list. Fix it!
✔ No more carrying your book around!
Daily Weight Tracking
✔ View your progress with each entry.
✔ Weight Report can be generated and saved!
Cycle Manager:
✔ No need to lose all your data when you start a new cycle!
✔ Reset current cycle without resetting the app!
Reports - Why track it if you can't view it?
✔ Cycle Measurement Reports (before and after comparison)
✔ Cycle Weight Report (all 28 or 7 days in one PDF)
★ PDF reports are available for devices with android 4.4 and above★
★ Share reports to email available for a devices!
✔ Track how your body changes!
✔ Before and After measurement tracking
✔ Measurement Reports show the change between each body part as well as total (inches or centimeters)
✔ Add custom exercises to each workout.
✔ Custom exercises do not get wiped away with new cycles!
Grocery List
✔ Plan your trip to the grocery store! Create a list of foods you will need from the approved food lists - click to add!
✔ Includes the up to date food list!
- several permissions are needed for upcoming features like backup and restore.
- current features require USB device write for report generation and save.
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Creating apps that save more than time!
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