Official website of the municipality of Ľubotice
The village of Ľubotice is located northeast of the city of Prešov, with which it shares a 12 km long cadastral border. The first written mention of the village dates from 1298, where it is mentioned under the name Kelemeš. The current name of the village has been valid since 1948. Between 1971 and 1990, the village was part of the city of Prešov. Since January 1, 1991, the village has become independent again and today it is home to more than 3150 inhabitants. The favorable geographical location predetermines significant development and activity in the field of housing construction. Houses and apartment units were added mainly in the vicinity of Sídlisko pod Hájom, towards Šalgovík. Due to the built infrastructure, geographical location and job opportunities, the municipality of Ľubotice is an attractive and dynamically developing municipality.