Turkish Home Tests is an integrated platform for an electronic school
An integrated electronic school, specialized in teaching the Turkish school curricula in an easy way with its translation into Arabic. Turki Home was launched by the management of its Turkish-origin institution A. Reem Sheikh Yusef (Diploma in Mathematics and Methods of Educational Qualification from Mustafa Kemal University of Turkey). Where she says: "My goal is for the concept of e-learning in its modern global ways to reach each of our homes, to spread its culture and deal with it among our children. To give you all my experience and knowledge in this language and its curricula, because I am a Syrian of Turkish origin, and I studied at a Turkish university and worked in its educational institutions, so I gathered for you a specialized cadre with experience and knowledge, so that Turkish Home would be a beacon illuminating the path for all Arab learners in Turkey, asking God Almighty Good luck for what is good for our nation.”