تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱
About تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱
Persian calendar of the year 1401 with features such as Qiblah, call to prayer and conversion of date types.
1401 calendar is a full-option and versatile calendar for all those who want to follow all the occasions and days of 1401 on their phones and use other rare features of the program along with it 🌏
The moment of delivery in the year 1401 AH according to the official time of the Islamic Republic of Iran is as follows:
Lunar calendar
solar calendar
Gregorian calendar
Date conversion
Events of the day
religious times
kiblah Finder
The place to choose to display the country's official occasions and events... International events and occasions and ancient events of Iran in the display bar at the bottom of the calendar page.
Support for three solar, lunar and Gregorian calendars
The possibility of personalizing the call to prayer, choosing the voice and reciter you want...
Display of national, world and religious occasions
Personalization of widgets with completely professional quality
Search among different occasions using the search bar embedded at the top of the main calendar page
Add personal events and occasions and set display times for them
Ability to change the color of the calendar screen
Using Qiblah and Compass section
What's new in the latest 6.0.1
تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱ APK Information
Old Versions of تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱
تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱ 6.0.1
تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱ 5.0.0
تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱ 4.0.1
تقویم فارسی ۱۴۰۱ 3.0.3
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