Application of the hadith of the light of your Prophet, O Jabir
The fourth part remained in the position of modesty for twelve thousand years, then God Almighty looked at him, and the light filtered through a vein, and one hundred thousand and twenty thousand and four thousand drops dripped from it. God created from each drop the soul of a prophet and a messenger. Then the souls of the prophets breathed, and from their breath God created the light of the souls of the saints, the happy, the martyrs, and the obedient ones. The believers until the Day of Resurrection, the throne and the Throne are from My Light, and the cherubim and the spiritual ones are from My Light, and the angels of the seven heavens are from My Light, and Paradise and all the bliss in it are from My Light, and the sun, moon and planets are from My Light, and the mind, knowledge, and success are from My Light, and the souls of the apostles and prophets are from My Light, and the martyrs and the righteous are from the results of My Light. Then God created twelve thousand. A veil, so He established the light, which is the fourth part in every veil of a thousand years, and they are the stations of servitude, which are the veils of dignity, happiness, prestige, mercy, compassion, knowledge, forbearance, reverence, tranquility, patience, honesty, and certainty. So God worshiped that light in every veil of a thousand years. When the light came out from the veils, God rode it on the earth, and it was shining from it. Between the East and the West is like a lamp in the dark night. Then Adam was created from the earth and the light mounted in him on his forehead. Then it moved from him to Sheet, so he moved from pure to pure and from pure to pure until he reached the loins of Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib and from there to his safe womb. Then he brought me out into the world. So He made me the Master of Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets, a mercy to the worlds, and the leader of the beautiful worlds. This was the beginning of the creation of your Prophet, O Jabir.