It is an application that contains methods for treating the skeletal system
The digestive system is defined as the system responsible for extracting and absorbing nutrients such as proteins, fats, sugars or carbohydrates (in English: carbohydrates) from food into the bloodstream, by digesting it and converting it into its basic elements to provide the body with the necessary energy so that it can be Efficient performance of its work, with the basic elements that enter the process of repair and construction in the body, as for the other parts of food that do not benefit the body, they turn into waste that the body gets rid of through stool, and the digestive system consists of the digestive tract. It is a long, twisted tube that begins in the mouth, passing through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon, and rectum, and ends at the anus, in addition to some other organs, such as: the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder (in English: gallbladder).