Timchar store operates as a multi-store in the city of Najafabad
In order to help our dear Hemisphere people to get access to the goods and services at a decent price in their place, the dear people of Najaf Abad, the site and the online application of Timchar, have been established and run by a professional and experienced team. Timchar site and application is a multi-storey online platform for easy and fair distribution of products from our city's stores and restaurants. With just one click, you can choose the store you want from the best stores in the city. Along with the name of the store, you can view comments and privileges of users for each store, price level and delivery time. The variety and number of stores in the various areas with fast support will turn the Timchar into a shopping mall. With the support of your people, I hope to take a great step towards the economy and the job creation of the youth of our city.