Find out about the lotteries and contests of brands for free!
You must have seen thousands of contests, raffles and festivals on TV, social networks such as Instagram, received text messages, etc. In many cases, the information about the festival is not complete, for example, the deadline for participating in the lottery, the complete list of prizes, the time and method of notifying the winners, etc. are not mentioned. Also, you may not be able to note down and remember the lottery information at that particular moment, such as TV commercials. Gardoneh is here to solve these problems and inform you about all these draws and competitions with complete and accurate information. Hundreds of prestigious Iranian brands and companies have been gathered in Gardoune, and all their festivals and raffles are published with detailed information including: the list of prizes and gifts, how to participate, the process and time of the raffle and the notification of the winners. Also, you can find out about the raffles of a specific brand, a specific category, or according to specific times and conditions, such as Yalda night, etc.