This is a quiz about the Jomon period.
A four-choice quiz to test your knowledge about the Jomon period! Let's have fun checking out interesting facts about the Jomon period, an important period in learning Japanese history! Check your knowledge of the Jomon period with this quiz. In unraveling the history of ancient Japan, the Jomon period is known as a very important period. This era was built by the people of the Jomon culture who lived in the Japanese archipelago for a long time of about 10,000 years, and their lives and culture have an impact on modern Japanese society. So, in this quiz, let's deepen our knowledge about the Jomon period and explore its interesting features. Although the Jomon period is still an age full of mysteries that has not been completely elucidated, the mysteries are being solved little by little with the progress of archeology and academic research. We hope that through this quiz, you will be able to deepen your understanding of ancient Japanese history and culture while experiencing the charm of the Jomon period. Let's embark on an ancient journey!