Personal portfolio of Antonio Mosca
Antonio Mosca was born on April 16, 1950, at the age of sixteen he had to stop studying due to the precarious economic conditions of his parents and after various work activities, he won a competition to enter the Penitentiary Police Corps, taking his leave with the rank of Chief Inspector, in the status of a pensioner he dedicates himself to writing poetry and publishes Verses of my Life, in which he lays bare his social and sentimental life, showing himself critical of the current society which he considers insensitive, flawed and hypocritical. The book is not advertised but obtains some success and , also encouraged by awards in poetic competitions, the poet publishes his second edition with the inclusion of new works and a sector in which he expresses his thoughts on the hypocrisy of Political Power and the destructive nightmare of wars; Subsequently, he participates at the V Dantebus National Poetry Competition, during which he was selected among the emerging poets and included in the edition of the volumes: I Poeti di Via Margutta.