العالمي للابتكار والمؤتمر حساب
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, INDIA is conducting a Global Summit known as World Innovation and Computing Congress (WICC) 2018 during March 22-24, 2018. This summit will mark a global visibility and provide a unique platform to bring various research scholars, academicians, industrialists and students having affinity towards various research areas from across the world, including India, to discuss the present state of technology and innovations, its relevance and also the challenges faced by them in India and abroad. WICC 2018 focuses on both theory and applications in the broad areas of Innovations and Computation. WICC is a multidisciplinary conference organized with the objective of bringing together people working in all areas of Innovation and Computation. The conference will provide the authors and listeners with opportunities for national and international collaboration and networking among universities and institutions from India and abroad for promoting research and developing technologies. The conference will provide the flavor of keynote address by eminent speakers from different areas, Panel Discussion by industry people, Project Exhibition, Hackathon, Workshops, Tutorials and Poster Presentations. The scope of the conference includes all areas of Innovations and Computation.