Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan
About Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan
Upgrade to ad free, Adjustable Prayer Times, Ramadan, Date Converter, The Quran
The Hijri calendar is an useful app that has the features of :
Hijri to Gregorian to Hijri Date Conversion,
Single click for date adjustment (+1 day or -1 day) or automatic update if connected to Internet,
Highlight the important Islamic/important/national dates,
Daily Prayer Times,
Monthly Prayer Times,
Prayer Time Customization,
Ramdan Time,
Qibla Direction,
99 names of Allah, their meanings and description
The Quran Recitation,
App Widget to show the recent prayer times on home screen,
Periodic events and event reminder,
Personal Income and Expenditure Manager,
Currency Converter,
Location & Method based prayer time settings,
Direct Jump to another year of calendar (tap on the month title for 3 seconds),
Swipe left-right-left to go previous/next moth month or top-bottom-top to go previous/next year.
You can and donate and upgrade to premium version of the app to go ad free.
Please use, review and rate this app for giving credit to the developer.
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What's new in the latest 1.3.4
- Fixes bugs to block Ad
Version 1.3.2
- Includes instruction into help manual to insert new event on a date
- Includes new event type to default list
- Includes feature to increase/decrease prayer time continuously by pressing on "-/+" button at settings
Version 1.3.1
- Adds new feature of periodic events
- Improves UI
Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan APK Information
Old Versions of Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan
Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan 1.3.4
Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan 1.3.3
Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan 1.3.1
Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan 1.3.0
Arabic Calendar - Prayer Times, Ramadan, Athan Alternative
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