Online Mock Tests & Question Bank for Bank of Baroda PO/Clerk Recruitment Exam
Looking for the study material for the banking exams, didn't find any relevant one to the latest exam pattern here is your one-spot solution for the preparations. Bank of Baroda Exam Prep is powered by (a leading online portal for competitive examination preparation and career development). This app provides online practice tests based on sample papers and previous year papers of Bank of Baroda recruitment examination for PO, Clerk, Manager, etc. So if you are aspiring to crack the recruitment exam and make a successful career in the Banking sector then keep practicing questions through this app for analyzing your preparation progress and improve your grip over the various subjects and topics important to Bank recruitment examinations.
Key Features of Bank of Baroda Exam Prep:
1. Complete Mock Test, covering all sections.
2. Separate Section-wise and Topic wise tests.
3. Reports to reflect accuracy and speed.
4. Discussion Forums to interact with other Aspirants.
5. Review all attempted questions.
Topics and Syllabus covered in Bank of Baroda Exam Prep App:
1. General Knowledge: General Awareness and Banking Awareness.
2. Computer Knowledge: Computer Awareness
3. Quantitative Aptitude : Speed, distance and time, profit and loss, average, percentage, simple interest.
4. Verbal Ability: Sentence completion, ordering of sentences, sentence arrangement, synonyms, antonyms and error detection.
5. Logical Reasoning: Direction sense test, statement conclusion, series, seating arrangement, coding-decoding and blood relations.
Grab the opportunity to test your knowledge and assess your skills for the examination. This application will definitely be going to help you in the long run for the banking competitive exams.
We at the Youth4Work team wish you the best for your exams. Yes you can
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