Mummy Coffin Escape is the point and click new escape game.
Mummy Coffin Escape is the latest point and click escape game created by Best Escape Games. The pyramids are one of the most fascinating structures built by men. It's so amazing that some people tend to question its authenticity. However, no matter the truth behind the history, the pyramids will never lose their awesomeness. And because of that, you book the next fly out to Egypt. You have only read about the country but you have never set foot there. Since you have read a lot about the place, you're thinking you'll be able to but in to the tour guides. But no, they know their place better so you let them speak. And you can feel the passion and sincerity of the guides when speaking about their country. So you also try to focus your attention at all the bits and pieces of information you can find. Then again, you still have jet-lag because of the long flight. So you stealthily look for a quiet place to rest. Then you wait for the group to pass before joining them. As you look for a place to take a nap, you accidentally push one of the stones and you see the mummy coffin. However, to get closer you have to return the shields of the three soldiers. Good luck and have fun!!!