App to turn devices on or off using Particle Core, Android and Bluemix
Bluemix Particle Core LED On/Off app is designed to simply turn on or off an LED or any device connected to Particle (preciously known as Spark) Core that uses WiFi communication module (CC3000). This LED can be controlled from online through Bluemix in real-time, it instantly will send a Push notification to your phone every time a user turns it on or off. Bluemix Particle Core LED On/Off app will send also a notification message every time the LED was turned on or off by your phone. Please check this link at and at my Github repo for a step-by-step tutorial on how to connect the Particle Core device and code in Bluemix and use of this Android app. You can do a lot with this app, you can open and close a garage door or turn machines on/off and many other projects.