ChopBox ITC Bank Chop Device For paranormal use
ChopBox is a Dynamic 2 bank Audio chop program, which allows you to Chop the sounds of the built in or your own banks of audio To aid the randomization of sound whilst conducting your ITC Sessions, You can effectively use your own banks by uploading your content to Google drive and syncing your device, your banks will appear when you click the Select banks buttons, One is for bank one and Two is for bank two, Its best to use banks which have already been prepared and cut to around 500ms, Banks of audio will be available to download from our site. www,appydroid,com in the Downloads section. A built in one touch recorder is included for convenience but its always best to use an external recording device such as camcorder or Digital/analogue recorder To mute session press on the pentagram, Then once more to resume, Speed buttons Widen or shorten the Dynamic Sweep rates, For a faster/slower chop rate to match your session.