CityDiscount is recent innovation to give a flawless encounter to the clients.
CityDiscount is where we can publicize the most recent grouped advertisements business and work profiles available to be purchased. They give a stage to publicize characteristics of grocery, occupations, vehicles, motorbikes, furniture, instruments, personals all in one. Our CityDiscount App has PHP+MySQL fueled content to make your own classifieds website. Classifications which are made utilizing clone contents are satisfied with highlights like boundless records, things, participation plans, premium postings, landing page postings, boundless classifications and substantially more. Our CityDiscount App is where users can search for any services or even start up a business. Firstly users need to sign up with the particular affirmation code provided. This where the commission is being earned by the provider who invited the users. Now After users have made his/her account, they need to fill up all the required details like general profile, work profile, City friends group, marital profile and bank details. After this the user can start searching for their needful services by the search engine button. They can also Start Up their own business by providing products and services to the other users using the app and earn money. The start up business user can either list their products in buckets or racks or can do both. They need to fill all the details required in the product list and give their tentative discount of both themselves and the app discount. The app also further provides Live Channels and marketing plans. Also it has listed all the Company Policies for a better and ethical app use. Our CityDiscount App also provides you the easement of quick and easy Payment OR Code for a better payment experience. All in all it is an amazing app for people who are looking for a startup and for users who want all services both work profile wise and business in one app.