Clap phone finder pro
clap to find phone, you can now find your phone by clapping your hands with Clap phone finder, just clap to find phone, its simple, all u need is to clap to find your phone where ever it is and phone will ring.This clap to find phone have you ever lost your phone, and spend countless hours searching for it ?? well not anymore, you can now clap to find phone, with Clap Phone Finder App, we made it possible.we can say that clap phone finder is a professional tool which helps you finding lost phone. It detects sound of clapping and run loud alarm. Then you will easily find mobile phone. It's the best and easiest way to quickly check where your phone is.How does Clap Phone Finder App Work ?- it detects sounds of clapping hands - it runs the alarm. You can choose the alarm sound and volume. You can choose if phone has to vibrate, clap to find your phone turns on flashlight or blinks by screen. Alarm is fully customizable.When clap phone finder detects sounds of clapping it will run the alarm out loud so that u can find your phone.Also, you can always customize your experience with clap phone finder, you can chose whether you want to run sounds when clap is detected or whether you want to run Flash Light on Clap or Vibrate..etc, its totally customizable do far. you can use whistle phone finder also. This clap phone finder android is in app That can giv you free and easy to use if you lose your phone.Clap in your hands and always find your lost device with Clap Phone Finder.