You can download and use our other application by clicking on the article of Treasurer.
2. The book is online and you can browse it by entering the profile of the Treasure Teacher if you want to take a look. The Gold Book of Treasure Signs Training will save you, our treasure hunter brothers from great troubles, and you will go to the full area and seek treasure, you will be protected against traps, you will be a master in knowing the types and entrances of tombs. These books, which are sold for hundreds of liras in the market, are 3 ₺ for our brothers and sisters who do not have the condition. I hope we will give you a reasonable price and let you learn everything. First of all, the application will open without experiencing problems such as internet and network in the field where even the network does not receive it, and it will show you what you need to do about the sign and its solution. When many treasure hunters encounter a sign that they do not know when they go to the land, unfortunately, the network is insufficient and does not know what to do, and sometimes the phone turns off automatically when the internet is turned on or something. Now, in this application we have prepared, you will save half of the charge, you will get rid of the trouble of buying books by paying tens of hundreds of liras and you will not be able to carry the book with you, but this is not so, as long as the application is on the phone, it will be with you everywhere as soon as you draw attention and you will not have to worry about internet charging. For our brothers and sisters who do not have a situation but want to learn this application, we used some resources day and night where necessary and we came up with this book application. Field scanning devices are used to find the entrances of places such as cavity finders, graves, tunnels, cellars, caves, and here the rods are your real placeholders. The detector does not show you the entrance, but you can easily find it with a rod over time, if you find small or money to save you after you learn to use the rod, I recommend you to buy a detector, remember that everything has a small margin of error. My brethren will do an excellent job, so let my Lord give it to all of you.