About Digital Signature Maker
Make your Stylish and Awesome Unique stylish Signature and add watermark
Many times it remains a problem for people specially for Teachers and players who give autograph to others how to make your signature unique and attractive and stylish. We are presenting signature maker Android smartphone app with different styles of signature that can be easily chose by yourself and you can make you signature similar this. This app allows you to create a signature of your name. And also option of its coloring and save. Signature Maker App will work on any Android Device to create a signature you have to choose a Signature text, style/pattern, color .When you have to preview the result of input text by clicking on the next button. You can chose your desire style of signature and save it. An interesting drawing feature is also add in it you can draw you on different colors signature with different colors and pen size and save this signature also.
Methods to create a signature.
* Enter your name in Text Field.
* Click on Create Button
* Select a Signature Style (You can also Change Signature, Color from color box).
* Style of Signature is change in various ways it can be change from button, << (Back), >> (Next) buttons, By clicking on save button on footer pallet it will save current Signature in SD Card.
* If you shared current Signature with your friends via social media or Message then use share button (on the Right Top of the Screen).
* Color picker is also included which provides hundreds of colors.
* An additional feature is added just like paint, in which you can draw signature using pen, the signature color can be changed, and the eraser is added which is used when you do mistakes while drawing signature, it will give you feelings like drawing on paper.
-Text Signature with Different styles.
-Manual Paint Signature with Different colors and style.
- Save it in your phone or SD card.
- Change brush sizes.
- Erase signature.
- Re-draw signature.
-add watermark on photo add hand signature with paint on any photo. and also textual digital signature creator
logo photo watermark on photo
text watermark on photo
What's new in the latest 3.3
logo photo watermark on photo
text watermark on photo
Digital Signature Maker APK Information
Old Versions of Digital Signature Maker
Digital Signature Maker 3.3
Digital Signature Maker 3.2
Digital Signature Maker 2.3
Digital Signature Maker 2.1
![APKPure icon](https://image.winudf.com/v2/upload/images/icon.png/image.png?fakeurl=1&w=120)
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