EASYride offers 24X7 list of available Auto/Taxi in neighbourhood.
EASYride offers 24X7 list of available conveyance in neighborhood for commuters, especially women, to serve safe & reasonable transport to pick from doorstep. A conveyance mode of transportation system which has been a major challenge for dwellers. This will not only ensure commuter safety but it will also prevent drivers from misguiding passengers about routes and thus charging them more. User can call the driver directly from app to arrange a pickup (operator call charges apply). Rate cheaper than ordinary taxi/auto rate. User can get an estimated fare by entering source and destination. In-hand driver’s information on app and identify the driver before boarding & regular monitoring via GPS. User can also know the estimated distance to travel. Moreover can set a radius from his current and desired boarding point and find available Transport within that radius. A safe, reliable, hassle-free, easy-to-access and affordable transport service for locals.