BurenApp is intended to be in contact with residents of Eindhoven Airport.
The BurenApp is intended to be directly in direct contact with the neighbors (residents) of Eindhoven Airport. We are happy to be a good neighbor, who informs openly and honestly and receives feedback on how we can remain the best good neighbors. The development of the airport is moving in line with the Brainport region. The economic growth and development in our habitat is pleasant, but can sometimes also be a nuisance in the form of noise nuisance. We want to keep this to a minimum. In this app you can give feedback about your sound experience around the airport. You will also always find up-to-date information and explanations about what is happening at the airport. Think of take-off and landing routes, noise and how you experience that, aircraft types, etc. What happens above my head? You can vote on polls and participate in the challenges we face. We especially want to hear your ideas about how we remain good neighbors.