El Club El Universo
About El Club El Universo
Get ready for a world of benefits now from your phone.
Now you can access all the benefits we have for you from your phone:
● You will not need your card: You just scan the code corresponding to / the
benefit / s you want to get at each location directly from the app, and voila!
● Meet a detailed guide to all our establishments partners in each of our categories and their benefits:
- Gastronomy
- Beauty and fitness
- Clothes and accessories
- Home Shopping
- Training
- Vehicles
- Hotels and Tourism
- Entertainment
- Pets
- Servicices
- Health & Wellness
- Book & Stationery
● We also bring you news about the Travel Club and how you can access the best prices to take that vacation you always wanted.
● Get the best events, from concerts to fairs, which you can form.
part with just being a member of The Club.
● Locates each of our local partners through a map that leads to
recognize where they are located each. You can also receive notifications of geolocation that warn you that you are near one of them and what benefits you can get here.
Do not wait, we have everything we need here.
What's new in the latest 2.0
El Club El Universo APK Information
Old Versions of El Club El Universo
El Club El Universo 2.0
El Club El Universo 1.0.1
El Club El Universo 0.0.9
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