The Essays are written in a variety of genres, ranging from simple and wide.
Religious Meditations is a collection of essays. Perswasion and Disswasion Locations Francis Bacon's first book, Seene and Allowed (1597), was his first published work as a philosopher, statesman, and jurist. The Essays are written in a variety of genres, ranging from simple and straightforward to epigrammatic. They cover a wide range of themes from both public and private life, and each essay examines the subject from a variety of perspectives, weighing one argument against another. While the first edition only had ten pieces, a much-expanded second edition with 38 came in 1612. Another, containing 58 writings, was published in 1625 under the title Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall. During Bacon's lifetime, translations into French and Italian appeared.