Go Dublin Texas
About Go Dublin Texas
Merco Local provides regional listings of local businesses
Merco Local provides regional listings of local businesses that are currently advertising with a media group in their respective area.
Businesses are categorized by their offerings such as Food & Dining or Shopping & Retail. Within each of these categories, the applicable businesses are displayed with an image, Business Name, and a brief description of the business. When a user selects a business they are directed to that businessí profile.
Each business profile displays a relevant image and the businessí logo. The profiles also include pertinent contact information about the business to include their address, phone number, and a link to their website providing the user a broader access to the business. If the business has additional imagery a photo gallery is available where the user can view a full set of thumbnails and has the option to view these images in a larger format and scroll through the gallery. If the business has a promotion or special offer available, this can also be accessed through the application.
Our mission is to provide regional media groups with a mobile application that provides their advertisers with a clean and simply directory of these same advertisers. We provide a clean and visual user experience displaying the highlights and pertinent contact information of the local businesses increasing the opportunity for a business to convert mobile traffic into paying customers.
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