Try to figure out what's going on at Poppy Playtime world
Fill in the blanks on your screen with your finger and let the game finish the picture for you.A game that will test your puzzle-solving and lateral-thinking skills in a fun and entertaining way.There are dozens of gorgeous designs to complete and figure out, which will keep your mind busy for hours.Uniquely refreshing and fascinating gameplay that will keep you thinking about it all day and making you want to come back for more.A helpful hint system that won't abandon you in the middle of the game and will allow you to continue playing anytime you get stuck.Lovely soundtrack composed just for the game, which is both calming and catchy, and transports you away from the stresses of everyday life.The GrabPack is one of the items used by the old Playtime Co. employees in the game Poppy Playtime. It is a backpack with a pair of arms hooked to steel cables that allows you to grab stuff from afar, raise large objects, and perform a number of activities that will help you to solve challenging puzzles while exploring the Poppy Playtime factory in Poppy Playtime.Can you figure out what's going on at Poppy Playtime? You'd best do it now, before you're detected, or you'll be in big trouble.