Practical modern "Hidayah As-Shibyaan" digital book
Hidayatus Sibyan's book is a modern book containing the basics of Tajwid science consisting of 40 verses of poetry. When compared to other books of recitation science commonly used in Islamic boarding schools such as Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazariyah, this book is arguably more concise so it is suitable for elementary level students. Hidayatus Shibyan's book is certainly popular among Islamic boarding schools and madrasas. The author of this book is Shaykh Sa'id ibn Sa'd An-Nabhani Al-Hadrami. Born in 1300 H in Yemen and died in 1354 H in Yemen. Shaykh Sa'id ibn Sa'd is a scholar' who is an expert in the fields of language, jurisprudence and is knowledgeable about knowledge related to reading the Qur'an. He authored several works on the science of recitation, Arabic grammatical, monotheism and tasawuf.