ICONS, Augmented Reality regarding constellation or astronomy application
The board game is a very effective medium for knowledge and education. Especially in a subject regarding astronomy where practicality is required in order to understand a certain concept. For example, knowledge about constellation, galaxy, messier objects, planets, and stars. Constellation, specifically, is a group of stars closes together forming a certain recognizable shape that is named after a certain mythological figure. In general, 88 constellations have been recognised by International Astronomical Union (IAU). Because of that big number and many types of pattern, the public and students having a hard time to remember or identify every each of them. Therefore, a board game named Interactive Constellation shorten as ICONS is created to help players to recognize the pattern, the function, the name of the constellation and also recognising stars inside the constellation. In addition, the lack of boardgame regarding constellation or astronomy in the market making this boardgame very unique and interesting. The use of star chart and augmented reality (AR) in this game is another point of uniqueness for this game. This game is expected to encourage the public to become more interested in astronomy and also to know more about constellation in a practical way.