Stay connected to Thermo Fisher Cloud-enabled instruments and bench top devices.
Instrument Connect: Remote monitoring of instruments in real-time. Stay connected to cloud-enabled instruments and benchtop devices anytime, anywhere, using the Instrument Connect mobile app. With the Instrument Connect remote monitoring app powered by Thermo Fisher Cloud, you can stay connected to any Thermo Fisher Cloud-enabled instruments, including the Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 3 and 5 real-time PCR instruments, and the ProFlex™ and SimpliAmp™ end-point PCR devices. Key features include: · Check the availability of your Thermo Fisher Cloud-enabled, network-connected device · Monitor run progress of a basic PCR run · View amplification plots in real time (available for QuantStudio 3 & 5 instruments) · View plots and filter by sample or target in real time (available for QuantStudio 3 & 5 instruments) Best of all, remote monitoring delivers peace of mind in knowing that you can monitor your runs and catch issues while they are in progress.