Kadastr RU
1 Reviews
64.1 MB
File Size
Android 6.0+
Android OS
About Kadastr RU
Kadastr RU - is access to the cadastral data of the Public cadastral map.
Kadastr RU is an application for mobile devices that allows you to get up-to-date information about any registered land plot throughout Russia.
Kadastr RU is an access to the official cadastral information contained in the Public Cadastral Map of the Russian Federation.
Kadastr RU helps to order a report on information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) in two clicks.
Kadastr RU helps, without leaving your home, to get up-to-date background information on the full cadastral number, address and area of the property entered in the State Real Estate Cadastre. You will be able to find out the cadastral value of the site, the category of land and the forms of permitted use. In addition, the user can get information about the subdivisions of the territorial body of Rosreestr serving the real estate object, indicating the name of the subdivision, the address and telephone number of the reception office.
Real estate objects are displayed on the Public Cadastral Map. Any real estate object or land plot can be found by cadastral number, coordinates, address, or by selecting on the map, including indicating the current location.
Kadastr RU provides access to the base topographic map of Russia and satellite images, allows you to measure distances and areas, as well as generate your own reports.
The terms and conditions for using the Kadastr RU application and the services of the Public Cadastral Map are determined by the "License Agreement". The text of the "License Agreement" can be found by clicking on the link "License Agreement" located in the "Settings / About" menu.
The mobile application uses a unified cartographic base provided by third parties. The conditions for using the materials of a unified cartographic basis are set out in the license agreement of the copyright holder (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography).
What's new in the latest 7.5
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Kadastr RU APK Information
Old Versions of Kadastr RU
Kadastr RU 7.5
Kadastr RU 7.4
Kadastr RU 7.3
Kadastr RU 7.2
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