Fit Timer: Workout Timer 정보
Tabatas 타이머, 총에 타이머, 카운트 다운 타이머, 스톱워치
Fit Timer gives you multiple fitness timers for all your workouts including stop watch, countdown, HIIT and Tabata timers all on your Android device.
Stop Watch - Easy to use stop watch, record lap and split times
Countdown Timer - Basic countdown timer with the ability to quickly load different times for quick access.
Tabata Timer - Simple and easy to use tabata timer. Select the amount of tabatas and cycles along with your work and rest times to completely customize your tabata workout. Save and load multiple tabata workouts for quick access.
Hiit Timer - Classic Hiit timer selecting as many cycles as you want for high intensity and low intensity.
Perfect for all sorts of applications use it for your next sports training, your own personal fitness workouts or simply use as a countdown timer for a game.