GUI Maker for micro:bit 정보
사용 마이크로 : 안드로이드에 대한 센서와 같은 비트. 당신은 등 그래프를 표시 할 파이썬을 사용할 수 있습니다
What is the purpose of this application?
This application uses micro:bit as Android external sensor and external LED. Iron Python can describe the processing of sensor data sent from micro:bit and the processing to display on LED.
What version of Android does this application support?
In order to use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for the connection between micro:bit and Android, Android 4.4 or later, Bluetooth 4.0 or later is necessary.
What program should be written to micro:bit?
Using the JavaScript block editor on the micro:bit site, create the program that incorporates the Bluetooth services and write it to micro:bit. At that time, you need to replace the Radio package with a Bluetooth package with [Advanced] -> [Add Package].
(Please refer to the help screen of the application for details of the program)
How can I receive data from micro:bit?
In the Panel setup script area, write the following event handler that receives the received data.
def temperatureReceived(temperature):
print 'Temperature:', temperature
Please refer to the panel setup script area of each sample panel.
How do I change the display of micro:bit LED?
if MicroBit.IsConnected:
if MicroBit.IsConnected:
MicroBit.WriteLEDMatrixState((0b11111, 0b11111, 0b11111, 0b11111, 0b11111))
Please refer to the LED sample panel.