The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri - Free book in Spanish -
The Divine Comedy (modern Italian Divina Commedia, Tuscan The Divine Comedy) is a poem written by Dante Alighieri. The exact date in which it was written is unknown, although the most recognized opinions assure that Hell could be composed between 1304 and 1307 or 1308, Purgatory of 1307 or 1308 to 1313 or 1314 and finally, the Paradise of 1313 or 1314 a 1321, date of the poet's death. It is therefore considered that the wording of the first part would have been alternated with the wording of the Convivium and De Vulgari Eloquentia, while De Monarchia would belong to the time of the second or third stage, the last of which must be attributed without a doubt that of two works of lesser effort: the Question of water and the earth and the two eclogues written in response to two poems by Giovanni de Regina. It is the most important creation of its author and one of the fundamental works of the transition from medieval (theocentrist) to Renaissance (anthropocentric) thought. It is considered the masterpiece of Italian literature and one of the summits of universal literature.