Lincoln Bible Church Houston, Texas
Lincoln Bible Church Houston (LBCH) is a Biblical Expository Teaching and Preaching Church. We are committed to fervent praise and worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We believe that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one(Genesis1:1-2, John 1:1-3, 14-18, John 10:25-30, John 17:1-8, and Matthew 28:19).We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the world. We believe that He died on the Cross of Calvary as the only begotten son of God the Father for the sins of all mankind (Matthew 27:34-50 and John 3:16-18) and was raised on the third day by God the Father with all power in His hand in heaven and earth (Matthew 28:1-7 and Romans 10:9-10).