Mastak Rekha Gyan in Hindi
There are lots of parts of study in astrology such as palmistry (Hast Rekha), zodiac sign, vastu shashtra and samudrik shashtra. In samudrik Shashtra astrologer try to study the part of human’s body. So this app is dedicated to study of Head. In Sanskrit Head is called as Mashtishk or Mastak. So this study is called as the Mastak Rekha Shashtra. This is kind of tantrik vidhya including the totke and mantra. Mastak rekha guide help you to study the man and woman’s life, career, interest, behavior, character and taste. The study is underway by the various lines such as Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury. The shapes of Head (Sar or matha) is always taken care for studying this Vidhya.