
  • 111.3 MB

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  • Android 8.0+

    Android OS

About MoreGlobe

Aug­men­ted. Rea­li­ty. World.

Mo­re­Glo­be: In­crea­se your rea­li­ty! Eve­ry prin­ted pro­duct, gad­get, pac­ka­ging, "come to life" and pro­ject you into a th­ree-di­men­sio­nal in­te­rac­ti­ve ex­pe­rien­ce.

Mo­re­Glo­be: Aug­men­ted. Rea­li­ty. World.

Real & Vir­tual: 2 worlds, 1 App. In­te­rac­ti­vi­ty, au­to­no­my, crea­ti­vi­ty: this is Mo­re­Glo­be!

Mo­re­Glo­be is the web ba­sed plat­form for Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty. The app is ba­sed on a pa­ten­ted pro­prie­ta­ry al­go­ri­thm (AR Print Out™️ Tech­no­lo­gy) that al­lo­ws you to ea­si­ly ma­na­ge vi­deos, pho­tos, 3D con­ten­ts and au­dio fi­les to live in Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty via smart­pho­ne.

Its use is very sim­ple: just do­wn­load the app from the Store and fra­me the new­spa­pers, cups, flyers or t-shirts with the Mo­re­Glo­be logo. The app ac­ces­ses your smart­pho­ne's ca­me­ra, au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly re­co­gni­zes the mar­ker with Face Re­co­gni­tion and starts the as­so­cia­ted con­tent. In this way, the app al­lo­ws you to swit­ch di­rec­tly from the prin­ted page to a digi­tal ac­ti­vi­ty (to watch a vi­deo, to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a so­cial me­dia di­scus­sion, to make a re­ser­va­tion or to pur­cha­se a pro­duct on­li­ne).

Mo­re­Glo­be: In­crea­se your rea­li­ty!

- The application is free and is optimized for smartphones, not tablets.

- Compatible with Android devices with 2 or more GB of RAM and Android version 6.0 - 10.0 installed.

- Compatibility is not guaranteed for devices without GPS functionality or connected to Wi-Fi networks only.

- The application may not work on some devices, even with compatible operating system versions installed.

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What's new in the latest 1.98

Last updated on 2022-09-07
- Bugfix

Old Versions of MoreGlobe

MoreGlobe 1.98

Sep 6, 2022111.3 MB

MoreGlobe 1.97

Dec 9, 2021128.7 MB

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