Nashville Church of the Nazarene
The purpose of Nashville Church of the Nazarene (NashNazMI) is to Reach and Transform people into Servants of Jesus Christ. The church is an evangelical church with a burning passion for the Great Commission (Matthew 18:20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40). Our church is missional: we are primarily a group of people who share in the mission of Jesus Christ. We come together for community, encouragement and teaching on the weekends and Wednesday evenings, but our services are not the focus of this Church. We are oriented around people, not programs. Our goal is to “make biblical disciples who desire to Seek, Know and Grow in Christ Jesus. This is done in relational environments.” Our online community is an extension of that goal, it is not meant to replace face-to-face fellowship or ministry. Instead it is a tool to supplement the limited “face-time” that we have together each week. We hope you will join us again in service and in fellowship.