This mobile app can be used for accessing oilseeds information
The mobile application on “Oilseeds at a Glance” is an initiative to reach the wider section of stakeholders through ICT from IIOR. This mobile app is the result of collaborative effort of ICAR-IIOR, and C-DAC provides a comprehensive information about 9 oilseed crops viz., Groundnut, Rapeseed and Mustard, Soybean, Sunflower, Safflower, Sesame, Niger, Castor and Linseed. There are 6 sections for each crop: Crop information, Released varieties and hybrids, State-wise preferred varieties and hybrids, AICRP centres contact information, ICAR seed Project centres dealing with oilseed crops, Mandis/selling markets for each state. In crop information section, the user can have the information on crop particulars like its scientific name, local names, major growing states, climate, duration, sowing season, crops suitable for intercropping, Recommended dose of fertilisers (RDF), major diseases and pests, harvesting, yield, cost of cultivation, MSP etc.