O mighty Our Lady of Exile, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ...
“O mighty Our Lady of Exile, mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, savior of saviors, protector of all those who need protection, I am praying this prayer today to ask you for protection against all my enemies. Protect me against all my enemies, keep away from me all those people who mean me harm, who harm me and who harm me every day of my life with their bad deeds and with all their sins. Protect me with all your mighty forces against all evils, all the militias, against every fat eye, envy and evil eye that might throw me. Protect me especially from so-and-so. Keep away from me all the bad companies that harm me and all the people who are making my life a real hell. Grant me your mighty grace, your mighty help, and your unrivaled divine protection. Brings to me only true happiness attracts into my life only good people who make me smile day after day. It fills all my days with happiness, love, passion and good times provided by good people. Remove from my path all evil, all enemies and all bad and evil people. Amen.”