Pakistan Penal Code... The Pakistan Penal Code usually called PPC.
Pakistan Penal Codeprepared by the First Law Commission and it was chaired by Lord Macaulay. Its basis is the law of England freed from superfluities, technicalities and local peculiarities. Suggestions were also derived from the French Penal Code and from Livingstone's Code of Louisiana. The draft underwent a very careful revision at the hands of Sir Barnes Peacock, Chief Justice, and puisne Judges of the Calcutta Supreme Court who were members of the Legislative Council, and was passed into law in 1860, unfortunately Macaulay did not survive to see his masterpiece enacted into a law. Though it is principally the work of a man who had hardly held a brief, and whose time was devoted to politics and literature, it was universally acknowledged to be a monument of codification and an everlasting memorial to the high juristic attainments of its distinguished author. For example even cyber crimes can be punished under the code. Important Features of PPC Jurisdiction Section 1. Title and extent of operation of the Code. This Act shall be called the Pakistan Penal Code, and shall take effect throughout Pakistan. Section 4 The provisions of this Code apply also to any offence committed by:- (1) any citizen of Pakistan or any person in the service of Pakistan in any place without and beyond Pakistan; (4) any person on any ship or aircraft registered in Pakistan wherever it may be. Explanation: In this section the word "offence" includes every act committed outside Pakistan which, if committed in Pakistan, would be punishable under this Code.Extension of Code to extraterritorial offences. Punishments.. Section 53. The punishments to which offenders are liable under the provisions of this Code are: Firstly, Qisas; Secondly, Diyat; Thirdly, Arsh; Fourthly, Daman; Fifthly, Ta'zir; Sixthly, Death; Seventhly, Imprisonment for life; Eighthly, Imprisonment which is of two descriptions, namely:-- (i) Rigorous, i.e., with hard labour; (ii) Simple; Ninthly, Forfeiture of property; Tenthly, Fine First five punishments are added by amendments and are Islamic Punishments. OBJECTS AND PURPOSES OF PUNISHMENT The object and purpose of punishment is the prevention of crime and every punishment is intended to have double effect, viz, to prevent the person who has committed a crime from repeating the act or omission and to prevent other members of community from committing similar crimes. The main object of awarding punishment for offences is to create such an atmosphere which may become a deterrence for the people who have propensities towards crime and thereby prevention of offences so that the society in which all the members have to live may not feel suffocated, distuebed and prone to unhealting environment. The measure of punishment therefore, must vary from time to time according to the condition of a particular crime and other circumstances. The object of punishments being preventive, Penal policy of state should be to protect the society. THEORIES OF PUNISHMENT: 1. DETERRENT According to this theory the punishment is awarded to deter people from committing the crime. Emotion of fear play a vital role in man's life. The peole fear to commit the crime because it will render them to suffer. The fear of punishment put a check not only on criminal from committing further crime but also on all other evil minded. In spite of its weakness this has not entirely been eliminated from the policy of modern court of criminal justice. Hegal strongly supported this theory. 2. RETRIBUTIVE The theory is based on the principle of an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth. The offender should be punished according to the nature of injury caused by him to the victim. In other words punishment should be in proportion to the injury caused by the accused.