Cyclone Idai made a landfall in Sofala proivince on 15 March 2019 as Category 3 with torrential rains and above 130 Km /hr windgusts. The same cyclone made a landfall on 4 March 2019 as category 1 landfall bringing torrential rainfall and windgusts. This continued rainfall from cyclone led to devastating Inundation and Destruction of Beira City, Buzi and Central proivinces of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabawe. Similar to Gaja Cyclone in India Sofala is home to thousands of coconut plantations, mango and livestock. Loss of these resources would push many into irrecoverable poverty traps. Our SAVE MOZAMBIQUE IDAI CYCLONE DAMAGE GEOPHOTO SURVEY app will help the Government, Donors, NGOs to collect data offline using smart phones of immediate relief needs and long term rehabilitation. The DAMAGED PLOT MAPS from Community will help the Government, NGO's and donors to understand the extent of damage with evidence and support the needy and the most affected immediately. The app is designed to work with or without network and uploading photos and videos will take some time but can also be done offline after log in.