Shotokan Karate special self defense moves
Shuto Used both for blocks and attacks. It is very important to know that the area you are supposed to use is NOT at exact side of the palm, but slightly inside the palm. If you touch your hand at the side of the palm, you will feel the bone that connects your baby finger to the wrist. This bone is not protected by the muscules and can easily be broken if you try to use it. Now move your finger half of an inch inside, towards the center of the palm. There you have a large muscle, that will protect your bones, allowing (practice required) to break objects or to block hands and even feet of your opponent. Enhon nukite In this technique we are using tips of the fingers. It is working for "paralyzing" punches, on soft tissues, like muscles. Note that there are sensitive muscules in many "bony" areas, for example, between the ribs and on the neck. Also the technique can be used to attack the face and it is very dangerous if used on the eyes area (and usually rules forbid that). As with seiken, the thumb must be pressing against the center of the palm, and NOT top of it (not parallel to the other fingers). Otherwise it can easily be damaged. Ipon nukite The use of this technique is the same as above. The technique is efficient for the precise attacks against the "vulnerable points". It should be noted, that as Kyokushin students are developing very strong muscles, their "vulnurable points" are less "vulnerable", at least, most of these points. So you will not see this techniqie very often on the competitions. Nihon nukite Pointing and middle fingers are used together. For this technique it is especially important to make the hand "solid", at least at the moment of the contact. I will talk about concentration and relaxation later, in the corresponding chapter.